
Showing posts from April, 2011

Creating a SharePoint Solution Package (.wsp)

Creating a SharePoint Solution Package (.wsp) in 5 steps Step 1. Folders First, create the folder structure for the solution. I used MySolution but you can give a name whatever you want. Two folders were created beneath MySolution - source and bin . First is for the compiled package, second – to keep the feature and the customized list. I use the same file structure for the feature as in SharePoint - one folder per feature.   Check out your SharePoint features hive at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList and see how it’s organized.   In the source folder I made the feature folder called MyList and 2 subfolders inside - List Templates and Messages .   In the end you will have something like this: Step 2. Building a Feature. Here we create our feature based on the SharePoint discussions list. Go to MyList folder and create a file feature.xml, where we reference 2 files, first – list manifest ...

SharePoint Interview Questions

Please refer this blog

How to: combine multiple projects in one WSPBuilder Solution

We frequently use WSPBuilder to package the WSP solutions. We may need multiple projects but we need to just one WSP solution. After reading WSPBuilder documentation, I found a that "BuildSolution" command doesn't work. (or may be I have not used it properly). But I have user an alternative approach. For an illustration, I two WSPBuilder projects and already complied: 1) SimpleWorkflow 2) SimpleEventHandler To combine multiple projects into one WSPBuidler solution (i.e. single WSP), we have to follow these steps: STEP1: Choose any base project such as SimpleWorkflow. Right-click on "Solution" and choose "Add Existing Project". STEP2: View both the projects as shown: STEP3: Add a new deployment project. Its better to add a completely new project just for the deployment. Right-click on "Solution" and choose "Add New Project". STEP4: Right click on _Deployment proj...

Object Model - SharePoint API

Please use the following URL ********************************************************************************** 1) Open list & retrive the ListItems  using (SPSite siteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site)                 {                     using (SPWeb site = siteCollection.OpenWeb())                     {                         SPList oList = site.Lists["List Name"];                         SPListItemCollection collListItems = ...