Emulate User Roles in InfoPath Forms Services to Automatically Switch Views
Many of my SharePoint consulting clients and students express the need to have different users see different views of an InfoPath form. In the InfoPath client, this is easy to handle using the User Roles functionality which has been well-documented elsewhere. Unfortunately, User Roles are not supported by InfoPath Forms Services for your browser-enabled forms. Here is a work-around that I have been using for quite some time that has worked well for me and my clients and students. In this post we'll create a simple InfoPath form with two views: one view for most users and another view for administrators only. When the form loads, it will check to see if the current logged in user is an Administrator for that form and if he is it will display the Admin View to the user. If the user is not an administrator for the form, it will display the User View . Create a Custom List to Store Users and Permission Levels Although SharePoint exposes a number of web services that reveal secur...