How to hide the Select and Deselect Check box in a List/Library in SharePoint 2010
We might have faced some situations where you want to hide the Select and Deselect Option Check Box in the SharePoint 2010. This is required, when you create some views and want to display some items with out check box options. Let’s discuss about this in this article. Suppose this is the document library where I want to hide the checkbox Go to the Modify view in the Ribbon You will see all the options for customizing the list\library. Click On the Tabular View. Here you will find that, “Allow Individual Item Checkboxes” option is selected. Unselect the Check Box and you are done. Now, you won’t see the Check Boxes in the list\Library as shown below We can do this in SharePoint Designer also. Go to the List/Library and then to the view where you want to hide the checkbox. Find the below section (.ms-WPHeaderTdSelection) and make this property to display equal to none. 1 2 3 4 .ms-WPHeaderTdSelection { Display:none; ...