How to Alter a SQL Server Database as Single User Mode and as Multi User Mode
To alter the database state to restrict the access to the single user mode, first open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to a SQL Server instance. Open the list of available databases belonging to the related instance in the Object Explorer window. Right click on the SQL Server database that you want to set its mode to single user and select Properties in the context menu. When you click properties menu item, the following Database Properties screen will be displayed for the selected database. I used database named Works for samples used for the article. Select the Options page from the list in the left side of the screen. If you scroll down the options list for State options, you will see Restrict Access database options with three options listed in the combo box. Restrict Access modes : Multiple, Single and Restricted modes . If you select Single mode and click the OK button, you can either alter the database access mode to single user successfully or you w...