
Showing posts from 2014

Migrate content into or out of RBS (SharePoint Foundation 2010) This article describes how to migrate content into or out of Remote BLOB Storage (RBS), or to a different RBS provider. After installing RBS and setting a content database to use RBS, all existing content in that database can be migrated into the database's active provider. You use the same Windows PowerShell 2.0 command to migrate content into or out of RBS, or to another RBS provider. When RBS is implemented, SQL Server itself is regarded as an RBS provider. You can migrate content databases at any time, but we recommend that you perform migrations during low usage periods so that this activity does not cause performance degradation for users. Migration moves all content from the specified content database into the storage mechanism of the newly named provider. This operation can be performed on any Web server in the farm. You only need to perform the operation one time on one Web server for each conte...

Configuring remote blob storage with SharePoint 2010

I have taken this article from the below URL   With Sharepoint 2010, the Remote Blob Storage (RBS) functionality, which allows putting documents into the database filesystem instead of the database itself, came into focus again. To make that happen each content database is located in a specific section of the file system where all the documents are stored. This documents are none the less managed by Sharepoint, a database is mandatory even if the documents are stored as BLOB because metadata is written exclusively into databases. The following installation routines and steps to activate RBS are based on   Technet   and the blogs of   Jie Li   and Todd Klindts . All the following installations have been done on Microsoft   Windows Server 2008 R2   and   Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2   as there is no support for...

SharePoint 2013 Server Installation step by step

Install and Configure SharePoint Server 2013 step by step In this blog post I am covering all basic required steps of SharePoint 13 installation. And have divided this in 4 parts. 1)  Install Windows Server 2012 and Active Directory configuration. 2)  Install SQL Server 2012. 3)  Install and configure SharePoint Server 2013 . 4) Configure SharePoint Server Service Applications Managed Metadata Service Application Search Service Application User Profile Service Application 5)  Create your first web application on SharePoint Server 2013 . Installation and configuration of Windows Server and SQL server have done more specific to build SharePoint Server farm prospective. For example, Permissions given to Service accounts during installation of windows server. Installation of SQL server and SharePoint Server have done by specific service account. Original Blog (Please use the below URL for step by step)

Check the size of SharePoint 2010 sites using PowerShell

Execute the below code under Powershell command prompt. Once you have run the script, you can call it with the following PowerShell command: GetWebSizes -StartWeb   <StartURL> if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {     Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" } function GetWebSizes ($StartWeb) {     $web = Get-SPWeb $StartWeb     [long]$total = 0     $total += GetWebSize -Web $web     $total += GetSubWebSizes -Web $web     $totalInMb = ($total/1024)/1024     $totalInMb = "{0:N2}" -f $totalInMb     $totalInGb = (($total/1024)/1024)/1024     $totalInGb = "{0:N2}" -f $totalInGb     write-host "Total size of all sites below" $StartWeb "is" $total "Bytes,"     write-host "which is" $totalInMb "MB or" $totalInGb "GB"    ...

Creating a Stoplight (indicator) Color Coded Status in a SharePoint List

Use this  URL:

Clearing Infopath Cache

Start -> Run prompt -> infopath /cache clearall

How to detect the edition of SharePoint 2010 installed?

See the article   How To: Detect the Installed SKU of SharePoint 2010   on MSDN. It has a list of GUIDs for each SKU: BEED1F75-C398-4447-AEF1-E66E1F0DF91E : SharePoint Foundation 2010 1328E89E-7EC8-4F7E-809E-7E945796E511 : Search Server Express 2010 B2C0B444-3914-4ACB-A0B8-7CF50A8F7AA0 : SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Trial 3FDFBCC8-B3E4-4482-91FA-122C6432805C : SharePoint Server 2010 Standard 88BED06D-8C6B-4E62-AB01-546D6005FE97 : SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Trial D5595F62-449B-4061-B0B2-0CBAD410BB51 : SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise BC4C1C97-9013-4033-A0DD-9DC9E6D6C887 : Search Server 2010 Trial 08460AA2-A176-442C-BDCA-26928704D80B : Search Server 2010 84902853-59F6-4B20-BC7C-DE4F419FEFAD : Project Server 2010 Trial ED21638F-97FF-4A65-AD9B-6889B93065E2 : Project Server 2010 926E4E17-087B-47D1-8BD7-91A394BC6196 : Office Web Companions 2010 You can look for these within the registry key   HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\...

SharePoint CAML Query Helper for 2007, 2010, and 2013

Save Wiki Library as a Template in Sharepoint 2010

When going into Library Settings on a Wiki Library Template, I noticed the “Save Library as Template” option was missing. Found a workaround by changing the URL in this way: Change the “listedit.aspx” filename in the URL to “savetmpl.aspx” instead…

Make attachment required field in SharePoint List/ Library

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function PreSaveAction() {   var elm = document.getElementById("idAttachmentsTable");     if (elm == null || elm.rows.length == 0)  {        document.getElementById("idAttachmentsRow").style.display='none';   alert("Please Attach File");   return false ;  }  else {  return true ;  }  return true ; } </script> -------------------------------------------- If need confirmation box. Please use the below code function PreSaveAction() {       var elm = document.getElementById("idAttachmentsTable");                if (elm == null || elm.rows.length == 0)             { var r=confirm("Do you want to attach the file?"); if(r==true)         { return false; }   else ...