
Showing posts from September, 2015

Filtering with Web Part Connections

Please review ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SharePoint: Filtering with Web Part Connections August 25, 2010 2007 ,  2010 ,  Calculated Column ,  Easy Tabs ,  End User ,  Kerri Abraham ,  MOSS , Site Manager/Power User ,  Web Parts ,  WSS Have you ever noticed the ‘Connections’ option on web parts and wondered what it was meant to do?  Have you played with it a bit, tried connecting one thing to another only to have nothing happen?  Did you do a web search to try to figure it out and come back with results like " Connection Interface Pair: ICellProvider, ICellConsumer"  and then give up, just to assume that was something you needed Sharepoint Designer to master (and you don’t have Sharepoint Designer?)  Welcome to the club!  ...

SharePoint Designer Workflow Action: Retrieve the File Extension

InfoPath 2010: Repeating table incremental row number

First create a repeating table with an extra column for the Row Number ( Drag and drop Repeating Table in InfoPath form) Right click  your RowNum field and choose  Textbox Properties .  Change the Data type to  Whole Number (integer).   Click on the function (fx) button to open the Insert Formula window and paste the following formula  count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1