
Showing posts from July, 2020

Clear fields based on drop-down values in PowerApps

Clear current selection from drop down when another drop down value changes 1) Parent drop-down is States 2) Child drop-down is City We can hide and show the City drop-down based on States Value changes NOTE: Please use your DataCardValues and  lv_dpclear is local variable Select City data card and go to the Advanced properties for DataCard Look for the Visible property and write the below code If(DataCardValue3.Selected.Value="VA",true,false) For clearing the City dropdown selected value based state changes. Select the State drop-down (first drop-down) and go to Advanced use the below code in OnChange  UpdateContext({lv_dpclear: true}); UpdateContext({lv_dpclear: false})  In the Reset property of the second dropdown(City), add the below code       lv_dpclear -------------------------------------------------------------------- Clearing text box and Date Control values based on dropdown selection: Add belo...