
Showing posts from 2021

Display Multiselect dropdown selected values and contains function

 Place label under Multiselected dropdown control 1) copy the dropdown datacard name  2) Use the below code in Text property of Label Concat( DataCardValue4 .SelectedItems,Value & "; ") Note: Replace DataCardValue4 with your DataCard value ------------------------------------------------------ Contains text in the dropdown value If(" Remote " in DataCardValue1.Selected.Value , true,false) FYI: Remote is the dropdown value option           DataCardValue1 is dropdown control.

SharePoint Online: Change List URL using PowerShell

Save this file as .ps1 extension and execute in powershell/SharePoint Online Powershell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Web url where is the list exist, of which we need to change the URL   $url = " "       $userName =" Your sie User Name " # Your site user name   $password =" Password " # Password     # convert password into secured string   $securedpw = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force     #Creating instance of client context   [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext]$clientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($url)      $clientContext.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($userName, $securedpw)     #Fetching the list   $web = $clientContext.Web   $lists = $...

Rich text control format in Powerapps

Rich Text control in SharePoint 2010 data will show in Powerapps with DIV tags. To display in correct format. Use the below steps 1) open list form in Power Apps 2) Select multiselected data control 3) unlock the data card 4) select Multiselected text box 5) convert Single line text to Multi line in the control properties 6) use this code in default section PlainText(Parent.Default)

Reuse a Deleted SharePoint Site Name and Site Url in SharePoint Online

Prepared based on the below articles --------------------------------------- When you delete a SharePoint Site from Office 365, by default the deleted site will be retained in the Site Collection Recycle Bin for 93 days (Retention Period) and if you have deleted a site collection, then the site collection will be retained in Tenant Recycle Bin. The deleted sites are automatically emptied from the Site Collection/Tenant Recycle Bin after the retention period. You can restore a deleted site before this retention period time end. Scenario 1: Consider that you have deleted a team site and you want to create another site with same name and site url. In this case, you can create a site with the same name but you can’t reuse the deleted site url until the deleted site exists in Recycle Bin. If you are creating another site ...

Navigate to screens based on the SharePoint List field value in PowerApps

Display Different FormViews based on SharePoint list value When edit the selected item. 1) Duplicate  screens from the FormScreen1 2)  Set the  OnEdit  property of the  SharePointIntegration  control to following formula: Set(Varcurrent,LookUp(' YourSPList ', ID=SharePointIntegration.SelectedListItemID, CurrentStage)); If(Varcurrent="IT",Navigate(SharePointForm1_1,ScreenTransition.Fade), Varcurrent="Facilities",Navigate(SharePointForm1_2,ScreenTransition.Fade)); 3)  Set the  OnSave  property of the  SharePointIntegration  control to following formula: If(     IsBlank(Varcurrent),  SubmitForm(SharePointForm1),     Varcurrent="IT",SubmitForm(SharePointForm1_1),     Varcurrent=" Facilities ",SubmitForm(SharePointForm1_2) )

How to Create a SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability Group- step by step

Copied from the below article ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group  has been existing since  SQL Server 2012  and its one of the best features SQL has to offer, while I haven’t used it in production since it was launched I tried using it for only testing but now that we have an Enterprise License we can use it in Production and enjoy all the other benefits of the  Enterprise License . With SQL Server AlwaysOn it high availability and disaster recovery to a different level by making multiple copies of the database highly available and even use them as read-only workloads to be used on reporting, backups and other management tasks. With this technology it allow you to fail over a group of databases as a single entity unlike how we did it before with...