Specify page to redirect to when adding a item (new form or edit form)
1. Open your Newform.aspx page
2. Add a CEWP. Type following line in your site url
(http://serverip/Lists/Test/NewForm.aspx?&toolpaneview=2 )
3. Paste below script in source code
function PreSaveAction() {
var srcUrl=GetSource();
var newSrcUrl = "http://www.google.com";
var i = aspnetForm.action.lastIndexOf(srcUrl);
aspnetForm.action = aspnetForm.action.substring(0,i) + newSrcUrl ;
return true;
< /script>
JQuery for Cancel button:
Use the following jQuery code to override the behavior of the cancel button:
2. Add a CEWP. Type following line in your site url
(http://serverip/Lists/Test/NewForm.aspx?&toolpaneview=2 )
3. Paste below script in source code
function PreSaveAction() {
var srcUrl=GetSource();
var newSrcUrl = "http://www.google.com";
var i = aspnetForm.action.lastIndexOf(srcUrl);
aspnetForm.action = aspnetForm.action.substring(0,i) + newSrcUrl ;
return true;
< /script>
JQuery for Cancel button:
Use the following jQuery code to override the behavior of the cancel button:
$(function() {
$('input[value=Cancel]').click(function() {history.go(-1);});
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