SharePoint Recycle Bins

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SharePoint Recycle bin feature was newly introduced in its 2007 version, and it offers End-users, Site collection admin's to recover the content with out running behind DBA's :-)

There are some confusion among SharePoint community in understanding recycle bin settings. So in this article lets get it crystal clear.

Two Stages of Recycle bin:
Yes, SharePoint offers Two stages in recycle bins,  
  1. First-stage recycle bin - When users delete Files/List items it goes to First stage recycle bin. Also called "End user Recycle bin". Content in this recycle bin is counted on Site quota, So when you delete a file, it goes to recycle bin, But you wont get any additional free space, still it occupies site quota. This recycle bin is accessible to the end users, and its Security trimmed (Even a site collection admin can't see end user's recycle bins, He/She needs to use "Site collection Recycle bin"  to see end user's recycle bin.
  2. Second-stage recycle bin - When the content deleted from First-stage recycle bin, its moved to Second stage recycle bin. Here Items not counted on Site quota, But total space occupied by second stage recycle bin is based on Central administration setting "Second stage Recycle bin Percentage in Live site's Quota". This Recycle bin acts at site collection level, and can be accessed only to site collection admins.
Ok.. Lets explore the Recycle Bin Settings: There are two: Days & Percentage

Deleted Items in Recycle in - Days:
sharepoint recycle bin days

This setting applicable to: Total Life Time of a file in First Stage & Second stage recycle bins. (Not 30 days in First stage and another 30 days in Second Stage!!! But just 30 days altogether). Lets say you set 30 days for this setting. When you delete a file for first time, it goes to first stage recycle bin, stays there for 30 days, then deleted permanently!

Another example: Lets say you deleted a file, It stays in First stage recycle bin. After 15 days you delete that file from First stage recycle bin. Now, from First stage recycle bin, it goes to second stage recycle bin, stays there for 15 more days, then deleted permanently.

So here, The deleted file's Total Life time is: 30 days. (Not 30 + 30 = 60 days)

Second Stage Recycle bin's % allocation setting:
sharepoint 2010 recycle bin quota

This setting applicable only to second stage recycle bin.

Where to Setup these settings:
To setup the Recycle bin settings, we go to: Central Administration >> Application Management >> Manage web applications >> select the desired web application >> General settings
sharepoint recycle bin settings 2010

Want to bypass SharePoint recycle bin ? (Permanently Delete without sending to recycle bin)?
If you want to Turn off second stage recycle bin you can choose "OFF" button there.. If you want to Turn off the recycle bin option altogether, that's also can be done in this page.

SharePoint recycle bin quota:
Lets do some practical. Lets create a site with 100 MB and lets test these scenarios with two 50 MB files, say File-1 and File-2. Let the settings be 50% for second stage recycle bin. When we allocate 100 MB to the site quota, additional 50 MB will be allotted to our site for Second-Stage Recycle bin as per our Central admin setting (50% for second stage recycle bin!)

Lets upload those two 50 MB files File-1 and File-2, then delete those two files from document library. Again when you try to upload a file, You will get Error message saying site quota is FULL! because those two files you deleted - still in first stage recycle bin and part of site quota.

So now in our First stage recycle bin, There are 2 files, 100 MB of 50+50 MB. Lets delete those files one by one... When we delete the first file from First-stage recycle bin, it goes to Second-stage recycle bin, again when we delete the File-2 from First-stage recycle bin, SharePoint permanently deletes the First deleted file: File-1 from Second-stage recycle bin, and puts the File-2 there.

End-User Recycle Bin vs Site collection Administrator's Recycle Bin:
Even though you are the site administrator, when you access the recycle bin from "Quick Links" section, What you get to see is: End-user recycle bin, which is security trimmed (meaning, You will not see items deleted by other users!).

SharePoint Recycle Bin Permissions
You must have site collection Administrator access rights to get Admin Recycle bin. To view All the items in End-User recycle bins (Items deleted by all end-users), Go to site settings page >> Recycle bin under Site Collection Administration where you will get the End user Recycle Bin items (Which is actually Administrator's recycle bin with all deleted items of all users. It is the First stage recycle bin) and "Deleted from end user Recycle Bin" (which is nothing but 2nd Stage recycle bin).

URL Shortcuts for accessing Recycle bin: 
After the SharePoint Site URL (say: append:
  • /_layouts/recyclebin.aspx  - For End User Recycle Bin
  • /_layouts/AdminRecycleBin.aspx - For Site collection Administrator Recycle bin.

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