
Showing posts from July, 2021

Navigate to screens based on the SharePoint List field value in PowerApps

Display Different FormViews based on SharePoint list value When edit the selected item. 1) Duplicate  screens from the FormScreen1 2)  Set the  OnEdit  property of the  SharePointIntegration  control to following formula: Set(Varcurrent,LookUp(' YourSPList ', ID=SharePointIntegration.SelectedListItemID, CurrentStage)); If(Varcurrent="IT",Navigate(SharePointForm1_1,ScreenTransition.Fade), Varcurrent="Facilities",Navigate(SharePointForm1_2,ScreenTransition.Fade)); 3)  Set the  OnSave  property of the  SharePointIntegration  control to following formula: If(     IsBlank(Varcurrent),  SubmitForm(SharePointForm1),     Varcurrent="IT",SubmitForm(SharePointForm1_1),     Varcurrent=" Facilities ",SubmitForm(SharePointForm1_2) )